ASU Students Take Part in Conference on PR Technology

ASU Students Take Part in Conference on PR Technology

Despite the challenging epidemiological circumstances, universities of Russia and other CIS countries keep developing their cooperation. One of the examples of online interaction was shown by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) last weekend.

The Department of Television, Radio & Public Relations organized the student scientific and applied online forum “International PR: Current State and Prospects”, timed to the 175th anniversary of AbaiQunanbaiuly, a great Kazakh philosopher.

The conference participants analyzed PR spheres in the world, information exchange, issues of anti-crisis PR and modern methods of training PR experts at universities.

The event featured a rich geography of its participants. Representatives of Astrakhan State University, International Information Technology University, Kyrgyz National University and Siberian State University presented their reports to the colleagues via teleconference technologies. Upon results of the international conference, the participants’ reports will be published in the conference proceedings.

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