ASU Student Dmitry Yarmanov Won Student Team Quiz

ASU Student Dmitry Yarmanov Won Student Team Quiz

On May 7, the leaders of the programme “Ambassadors of Russian Language in the World” held an intellectual online quiz for their volunteers, involving a participant from Astrakhan — 5th-year student of the ASU Faculty of Philology and Journalism Dmitry Yarmanov.

30 current ambassadors from Belgorod, Volgograd, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Tula, Yerevan and other cities made groups of five and answered questions on chemistry, biology, sports, cinema, literature and, of course, Russian.

Dmitry Yarmanov not only succeeded in solving the tasks but also got victory together with his team. The quiz organizers — developers of On-Point Moscow mobile app, prepared special prizes for the winners — they gave the students hoodies with inscriptions, styled like the names of the Moscow metro stations. Besides, participants of the quiz got additional points in the app that they can swap for different goods.

It should be recalled that the international programme “Ambassadors of Russian Language in the World” was created by the Pushkin State Russian Language Instituteunder the aegis of the Russian Language Council of the RF Government. Dmitry Yarmanovwas selected for the project and proved his title of Ambassador of the Russian language in December 2019. He has already participated in two expeditions in Kirghizia and Tadzhikistan, when he gave classes to foreign schoolchildren and acquainted them with the Russian culture.

Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of Dmitry Yarmanov