Participants of ASU School of Journalism Join UNESCO International Campaign

Participants of ASU School of Journalism Join UNESCO International Campaign

Within the framework of the United Nations Educational Initiative, schoolchildren of different countries make short videos on organization of their learning process during self-isolation and their desire for returning to the traditional school.

The campaign organizers are interested in the difficulties of distance learning and its outcomes, as well as in the question of the future of school education: will it become completely online, where everything is mobile and available to everyone, or it’ll be necessary to preserve the formula “offline plus online”?

Participants of the School of Journalism of Astrakhan State University, who are pupils of Astrakhan schools, decided to support the global campaign and share their own experience. In their speeches, the schoolchildren say that self-isolation is a time for self-growth, but they do miss live communication and the educational process based on a dialogue between the teacher and the pupil. They miss the company of their peers and classmates.

The project  “School of Journalism” has been successfully implemented by the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism for three years. It is an additional general programme. Classes are given by teachers of the Department of Theory & History of Journalism who applylatest educational technologies to acquaint senior schoolchildren with the principles of creating a news text in the media, the issue of media security in social networks, camera lens capabilities and so on.

The School of Journalism invites all participants of ASU additional generalprogrammes to support the UNESCO campaign and share their school experience of distance learning during self-isolation.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism