Astrakhan State University Opens 5th Festival of Student Science

Astrakhan State University Opens 5th Festival of Student Science

On May 9-22, everyone interested can visit the online exhibition of student scientific projects, united with the topic “Science of the Future”, and vote for the developments they like.

This year, the epidemiological situation has led to the ASU annual scientific event being held online. Theuniversityhasjoinedtheall-Russiainitiative #scienceathome. This social project on creation of a base of popular-scientific online content, made by the best promoters of science in Russia, by leading universities and authoritative scientific journalists, is implemented by the team of the all-Russia festival NAUKA 0+.

The student teams of the faculties, the ASU Branch in Znamensk and the ASU College presented scientific projects according to the festival categories:

  • Biology of the future;
  • Health protection of the future;
  • Ecology of the future;
  • Chemistry of the future;
  • Engineering technologies of the future;
  • Agritechnology of the future;
  • Digital economy and law of the future;
  • Cultural heritage of the future.

Please visit the virtual exhibition of the scientific student projects, watch video presentations and videos of the student teams and vote for the projects you like on the Students’ Scientific Council website from May 19 until May 22.

Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities