ASU Media Project Is Prizewinner of Prestigious Federal Project

ASU Media Project Is Prizewinner of Prestigious Federal Project

The final results of the all-Russia competition of student media projects “UniverSity 2020” have been announced. The team of Astrakhan State University ranked third in the category “University Science”.

The team owes their success to a pilot episode of the rubric #ASUScienceabout Dmitry Reztsov, a robotic engineer who does a Master’s degree programme at our university. This April, the report entered the shortlist of the federal competition, after which the team of the ASU Media was to meet with leading media experts online. They analyzed and examined the works of the entrants, marked out their mistakes, gave advice and answered the participants’ questions.

In should be recalled that the project “UniverSity” was created in 2007. Its main objective is to support initiatives on organization of student editorial facilities at educational institutions — radio stations, TV studios, internet projects that broadcast for the university campus or on the Net.

Visit the UniverSity website to watch the competition project of the ASU Media videographers.

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