ASU Representatives Take Part in 4th Virtual Forum of Teacher Education

ASU Representatives Take Part in 4th Virtual Forum of Teacher Education

Scientists of the Department of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education have represented our university at the virtual IFTE-2020 “Prospects and Priorities of Teacher Education in Times of Change, Choice & Challenge” in Kazan.

AleksandrTreshchev, Elena Tarabanovskaya and Irina Romanovskaya told their colleagues about the results of their study “Inclusion-Oriented Couse Effect on Level of Inclusion Competence in Teachers-to-be during Professional Training Process”.

Participants of the virtual platform were united by their common interest in the issues, connected with creation of the inclusive learning environment. Irina Romanovskaya thanked the event organizers for a unique opportunity to discuss current issues of education and for their support of mastering new digital instrument — Microsoft Teams platform.

In her speech, Irina Tarabanovskaya stressed the relevance of the issue of continuous analysis and timely updating of educational programme architecture. The session participants got interested in positive effects of introduction of the inclusion-oriented course — the teachers-to-be demonstrated their readiness to work under conditions of the inclusive learning environment.

A lot of participants of the forum expressed their interest in cooperating with the staff of the ASU Department of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education and implementation of joint corporate projects.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work