ASU Participates in Online Meeting on Erasmus+ Project Implementation

ASU Participates in Online Meeting on Erasmus+ Project Implementation

Last week saw the second videoconference meeting with representatives of the foreign universities that participate in MAGnUS projects; they discussed the issues of launching Master’s degree programme “Development of Mobile Applications & Computer Games”.

The meeting involved 15 experts from the partner universities of Azerbaijan, the UK, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and Estonia. The event was held online, which has already become traditional due to the COVID-19 spread.

Russia was represented by Astrakhan State University, Voronezh State University and Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). ASU was represented by Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics Aleksey Rybakov and Head of the Unit of International Cooperation on Implementation of International Projects Olga Sergeeva.

The colleagues discussed the procedure of procuring the equipment for the project objectives, the format of holding the 2020 summer school and a draft brochure on the Master’s degree programme “Development of Mobile Applications & Computer Games”, prepared by representatives of Voronezh State University.

Opening the videoconference, Coordinator of MAGnUS project, Professor of Linköping University (Sweden) Janerik Lundquist said that the European Commission had approved changes in the list of equipment, and noted that the equipment was to be procured through the tendering procedure.

As for the summer school, it will be held, but with a shorter programme — this will be one week instead of the planned two, and it’ll be held online. Professor Lundquist invited his colleagues to share their proposals on organizing the school work.

Besides, during the online conference, participant of MAGnUS project, Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (Portugal) JoãoPatrício raised the issue of prospects of holding the master classes at his university, planned for October 2020. It was decided that they were likely to be held online.

Project Office of International Cooperation and Development