New Participants of Presidential Programme Start Studying at ASU

New Participants of Presidential Programme Start Studying at ASU

On June 8, Astrakhan State University started implementing the 2020 programme of training managerial HR. 14 candidates successfully passed the competitive selection.

Eight managers will do the study course “Efficient Healthcare Management: Training Result-Oriented Managerial Teams of Regional Healthcare System”, while other six people will undertake the course “Regional Management: Technologies of Forming Sustainable Competitive Advantages of Companies and Territories”.

The long-term experience in implementing the presidential programme allowed to form a team of professors of Astrakhan State University and invited CEOs with practical experience in management, including those who have already completed the presidential programme on training managerial HR.

In order to make the study course practice-oriented and taking into account the educational needs of the participants, classes are held by professors and coaches with an experience of consulting in the sphere of management, strategic management, project management, marketing and staff recruitment.

Now the programme is being implemented online, but it is expected that once the lockdown is over, they will return to the common format, and along with the traditional forms of studies (lectures), two-thirds of the course will be assigned for active forms — seminars, including case studies, business games and role-plays, workshops, business visits and so on.

Centre for Administering Programmes of Training Managerial HR