ASU Students and Professors Are Invited to Take Part in International Legal Forum

ASU Students and Professors Are Invited to Take Part in International Legal Forum

The Privolzhsky Bank of Sberbank PJSC has expressed its gratitude to Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov for his participation in the international legal banking forum “Current Issues of Law in Banking Sphere” as a speaker in the panel discussion “Development of Legal Education. Training of Best HR in Legal Science”.

At the forum, which took place on October 10-11, 2019, the participants considered some issues of exercising legal norms, proposed new mechanisms of development and improvement of law enforcement in the spheres of criminal, civil and international law, and legal issues of work with distressed assets.

The Privolzhsky Bank has developed a website to inform about the event results and organize registration for the forum in 2020. It contains the main information on the 2019 forum results, videos, photos and feedback from the participants. One of the main sections is the 2020 forum announcement.

Everyone interested can register for participation in the upcoming forum.

Directorate of Information Policy