Scientific Commission of Caspian Universities Launches Its Website

Scientific Commission of Caspian Universities Launches Its Website

The developed information resource allows to learn about the activities, current news and upcoming events of the Commission for Science, Research and Technology at the Association of the Universities and Research Centers of the Caspian Region States. The website was created for coordination of joint work, information exchange and announcement of events.

The web resource was presented at the first meeting of the commission, held on February 2020 in ASU within the forum “Caspian Sea Region in the 21st Century: Ways of Sustainable Development”. After this, the representatives of the commission member universities could put forward their own proposals and amendments on the structure and content of the website.

Now the website is available for all Internet users and it will be replenished by new information, proposed by the commission members. It is planned to pay particular attention to the promotion of Caspian universities’ journals, which is necessary for development of horizontal scientific ties, popularization of scientists’ research and articles with further moving towards the international level.

Directorate of Information Policy