Agriculture and Digital Technologies: ASU Keeps Doing Field Research

Agriculture and Digital Technologies: ASU Keeps Doing Field Research

A scientific team of Astrakhan State University is working on the project on identification of problem areas on agricultural fields with the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle and artificial intelligence methods. The university’s fields in the Nachalo village are serving an experimental area for data collection.

Another experiment allowed to obtain images, made by the drone, that will be later added to the training sample and used for comprehensive training of AI algorithms by staff members of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office. The studies involved both experts in technology, in particular Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office Aleksandr Koshkarov and Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering Technologies Nikolay Vybornov and experts in agriculture — Head of the ASU Educational Experimental Facility “Nachalo», Acting Dean of the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine Rinat Dubin and Head of the Unit of Agrarian Technologies Mikhail Puchkov.

It should be recalled that using a computer vision drone allows to assess the state of planting, to identify problem areas and to see what parts of a large farm need additional work. Monitoring is held online, but it is recorded for showing it to experts or business partners.

Artificial Intelligence Project Office