ASU Rector Outlines Work of Commission for Science, Research and Technology of Caspian Region States

ASU Rector Outlines Work of Commission for Science, Research and Technology of Caspian Region States

On July 6, rectors of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region States held a videoconference meeting, chaired by Chancellor of the Association, Rector of the University of Guilan Ahmad Razi. The online meeting also involved Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov.

The event participants discussed some issues of functioning of the specialized commissions, created within the 22nd General Assembly of the Association. Their chairpersons presented reports on the first steps of three subdivisions — on science and research, on education and on student affairs.

Konstantin Markelov told his colleagues about the level of scientific collaboration between the association members that has developed over the period of the Commission’s work, and about joint online projects, for example scientific festivals and a series of online lectures “International Online Against COVID-19”.

Konstantin Markelov highlighted the Young Scientists’ Council, created within the Commission for Science, Research and Technology. The rector suggested that the universities joined the project and proposed their candidates for membership in the Council.

Heads of other member universities also shared their initiatives and ideas on the development of mutually beneficial relations. The ASU rector expressed his interest in participation in the outlined events, in particular in the ones within the projects of Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, an ASU partner university.

Besides, the meeting participants outlined some plans for Association members’cooperation for the COVID-19 period and during the period of gradual lockdown ease. For example, a decision was made to carry over the Association Assembly for 2021 and to hold another online working meeting this October.

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