Konstantin Markelov Speaks at 5th Forum of Rectors of Russian and Iranian Universities

Konstantin Markelov Speaks at 5th Forum of Rectors of Russian and Iranian Universities

The event, which was held online on July 7, brought together 50 rectors, vice rectors and professors of Russian and Iranian universities. Heads of the universities discussed their achievements and prospects of educational and scientific cooperation of the two countries. The plenary meeting included a report by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelovon the experience of Astrakhan State University’s work with Iranian colleagues.

At the plenary meeting, heads of the Russian and Iranian universities presented some examples of cooperation between HEIs of the two countries and put forward their proposals on further interaction. For example, Konstantin Markelov noted that ASU has long-year fruitful relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran that keep being developed and extended.

The ASU rector mentioned the main areas of cooperation with Iranian universities, in particular grant initiatives, project “International Online Against COVID-19”, the establishment of the Caspian SEC. Konstantin Markelov also paid attention to the cooperation between Russia and Iran within the activities of the Commission for Science, Research and Technology of the Association of the State Universities of the Caspian Region States, which is coordinated by ASU.

Summing up the forum results, MSU Rector Viktor Sadovnichy said the meeting was fruitful and thanked the Russian and Iranian colleagues for their genuine interest in further cooperation. According to the MSU rector, now they are to summarize all the proposals and formulate a coherent programme of joint academic work.

The 6th Forum of Rectors of Russian and Iranian Universities is going to be held next year in Iran.

Directorate of Information Policy