ASU Will Take Part in ASI Forum “Powerful Ideas for New Times”

ASU Will Take Part in ASI Forum “Powerful Ideas for New Times”

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Roscongress Foundation have announced preparation and holding of a large-scale federal event. The forum stages have a specific timeframe: the preparatory part of collection, discussion and improvement of ideas is to be held for three months — from June to September 2020.

The event is aimed at forming a community of enterprising people and consolidating 100 powerful ideas that will help develop a technological strategy of the national development, as well as find teams that are ready to initiate implementation of their ideas and projects and replication of practices that can ensure the sustainable development of Russia under new economic conditions.

During a month and a half, the organizers will collect ideas, solutions and practices, assess them and hold expert and public voting in their support on the crowdplatform and in the Telegram chat bot of the forum. Then they will organize methodological work on improving the ideas to the level of projects, and practices — to their potential for replication, as well as expert assessment and selection of the best ones for presentation at the online forum and further support and implementation.

“Astrakhan State University is one of the ASI partners and is going to participate in this interesting and large-scale project for sure. We already have a few ideas that will be thoroughly elaborated so that we’ll be able to present the best of them decently. The projects will also involve our business partners and representatives of public authorities,” said ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, speaking about the university’s plans.

Active work on selection and submission of ideas, their improvement and ranking will start in the coming days.

Directorate of Information Policy

Source: materials of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives