ASU Successfully Develops Projects On Request of Privolzhskaya Railway

ASU Successfully Develops Projects On Request of Privolzhskaya Railway

A videoconference working meeting on the issues of cooperation between the Privolzhskaya Railway and leading universities of Astrakhan, Volgograd and Saratov regions has been held by Deputy Head of the Privolzhskaya Railway Engineering Policy Service Ruslan Sultanov. Participants of the online event discussed the main pilot projects of universities’ young scientists and formation of a working group for startup implementation.

At the meeting, Ruslan Sultanov told the participants about a Privolzhskaya Railway’s initiative to organize a regional innovative centre in the training area of the Privolzhskaya Railway. The speaker says it’s reasonable to place innovative platforms on several sites of the universities at the same time. It will allow to create a functioning system of startup support with innovative solutions, which not only will accelerate the process of development but also will regulate the financing of the selected projects, proposed by third-party universities and enterprises.

Rector Konstantin Markelov suggested that Astrakhan State University is considered a supporting university for creation of such an innovative platform. It is connected, among other things, with the favourable geographical location of the region.

Participants of the online meeting also discussed creation of new Child Railways. ASU expressed their wish to take part in this project and reminded of the House of Scientific Collaboration named after V.K. Trediakovsky that has been functioning at university for six months.

Deputy Head of the Privolzhskaya Railway Engineering Policy Service Ruslan Sultanov thanked the universities and voiced an initiative to join the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions, presided by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov.

Directorate of Information Policy