ASU Scientists Will Give Classes within MAGnUS Summer School

ASU Scientists Will Give Classes within MAGnUS Summer School

MAGnUS Summer School, which is being held online on July 20-24, has brought together experts from Azerbaijan, the UK, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and Estonia. The project participants communicate with foreign professors and gain theoretical and practical knowledge in mobile application development and game design. Astrakhan State University is represented by Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office Aleksandr Koshkarov and Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics Aleksey Rybakov.

The programme includes lectures, seminars and master classes on various topics like the nature of gamification, augmented reality and information security. ASU professors Aleksandr Koshkarov and Aleksey Rybakov are going to deliver their lectures “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” and “Work with Graphic Charts in R Programming Language”.

The school participants are students of engineering majors who study information and computer technologies in universities of Azerbaijan and Russia. The event involves about 100 people. At the end of the course, the students are to present their joint final projects and then to receive international-level certificates.

Project Office of International Cooperation and Development