Astrakhan State University Will Teach to Obtain and Apply Polymeric Films and Nanocomposites

Astrakhan State University Will Teach to Obtain and Apply Polymeric Films and Nanocomposites

The ASU Chemical Faculty is launching a new educational engineering programme “Polymer Technology & Processing” in the upcoming academic year. It’s a networking programme, implemented by ASU and D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, the leading chemical and technological university of our country, within the major “Chemistry”.

The programme main objective is to train professional chemists with fundamental and engineering competences that have mastered the fundamentals of the science on high-molecular compounds and its main practical applications (obtaining and application of polymeric films, nanocomposites, etc.). Therefore, meeting the modern tendency of social development, the educational process focuses on training polymer chemists for work with water-soluble or bio-degradable polymers for oil and gas, cosmetic and food industries and with bio-degradable polymers of medical and biological use.

Industrial partners of the programme are MedInTech, Sardoniks and GreenHouse companies, operating in Astrakhan region.

During their study process, students will learn specialized subjects and undertake traineeships both in specialized laboratories of D. Mendeleev University and at industrial partners’ facilities.

Chemical Faculty