ASU Application for Erasmus+ Grant Has Been Approved

ASU Application for Erasmus+ Grant Has Been Approved

Representatives of Astrakhan State University are among the applicants who got more than 75 points out of 100. 1,005 applications have been submitted this year, and only 164 of them passed the competitive selection.

Project “Pilot Courses in Practice Enterprise to Implement the University-Enterprise Cooperation for the Development of Caspian Area” (PICASP) has been initiated within Erasmus+ international programme. One of its main objectives is to promote modernization and internationalization of higher education in the Caspian region in accordance with global tendencies and the Bologna Process principles. Within the framework of PICASP project, the university will start developing courses for new-generation specialists of different majors.

The uniqueness and innovativeness of short-term courses is in the opportunity to master advanced approaches to professional activities, in the focus on training new-generation specialists, and in active application of best European practices.

PICASP project includes foundation of a consortium of universities; Russia is represented by Astrakhan State University and Volgograd State Technical University, while foreign partners of the project are universities of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as well as European representatives — D'Annunzio University of Chieti—Pescara (Italy), University of Bologna (Italy) and Vilnius University (Lithuania).

Project Office of International Cooperation and Development