Astrakhan State University Keeps Cooperating with IPR MEDIA

Astrakhan State University Keeps Cooperating with IPR MEDIA

Within the licensing agreement between ASU and the e-library system, Astrakhan University Publishing House has given more than 40 electronic papers of university’s professors to IPR BOOKS under the non-exclusive licence conditions.

An issue of inclusion of new monographs and study guides to the e-library will be addressed in the course of their publication.

It should be recalled that IPR BOOKS enters top-3 of the Russian full text databases of educational and scientific literature.

IPR BOOKS is the largest developer of integrated IT solutions for education and science and a publisher of educational and scientific literature. Its digital ecosystem includes IPR BOOKS e-library system, platform “Russian as Foreign Language”, platform “PROFeducation”, platform for checking papers and storing students’ portfolios “Graduation Thesis-University”, IPRbooks Mobile Reader and IPRbooks WV-Reader mobile applications.

Publishing House Astrakhan University