ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work Wins Another Grant of RF Ministry of Finances

ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work Wins Another Grant of RF Ministry of Finances

Possessing necessary intellectual, organizational, material and technical resources, Astrakhan State University will become an educational platform for implementing the eighth wave of teaching financial literacy and methods for holding awareness activities with the country’s rural population to rural teachers.

It should be noted that the ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work already has similar experience: in 2019-2020, they’ve organized advanced training courses in financial literacy within the third, fourth, fifth and sixth waves of Contract No. FELP/QCBS-3.37 “Teaching Financial Literacy and Methods For Holding Awareness Activities with Country’s Rural Population to Rural Teachers”. The project is managed by Dean of the ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work, Ed.D., Prof. Galina Palatkina.

The new grant will allow to organize courses for 50 teachers, working for schools of the Kharabalinsky and Narimanovsky districts of Astrakhan region in August-September 2020 in additional professional programme “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy, Methods for Its Teaching in System of Basic and Secondary Education and Financial Education of Rural Population”. The project will be implemented at the Center of Pedagogical Staff’s Continuing Education “Teacher of the Future” of the ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work