ASU Representative Is among Experts of Kazakhstan Media Alliance

ASU Representative Is among Experts of Kazakhstan Media Alliance

On September 5, Head of the Department of Theory & History of Journalism of Astrakhan State University, associated professor of the Department of Journalism of Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov Galina Belolipskaya took part in an open discussion of document “Basic Principles of Mass Media in Kazakhstan”.

The discussion, initiated by representatives of the Kazakhstan Media Alliance, was organized online, which allowed to involve the global community.

The Kazakhstan Media Alliance has been defending interests of the media and consolidating the media community of the country for three years. Representatives of the alliance have taken part in the parliament’s work during the discussion of draft laws, related to journalism, and addressed various republican authorities and regional agencies with the request to protect journalists in their performance of professional duties.

The open discussion has just started. There is a month of active work, hearings and discussions ahead. Students and professors of ASU, as well as representatives of the regional media community, are invited to take part in the online event.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism