Konstantin Markelov Sends His Teachers’ Day Greetings

Konstantin Markelov Sends His Teachers’ Day Greetings

Dear teachers! Please accept my sincere and cordial greetings on the occasion of Teachers’ Day!

Russia celebrates this day in the period of golden autumn for a good reason — it seems nature itself sends its greetings to the people, respected for all seasons, covering their path with bright leaves...

Every year, on October 5, we speak about the teachers’ great mission — to help new generations enter adult life, lead them patiently along the path of knowledge, share pupils’ joy of first discoveries and support them in the minutes of failure. May luck and inspiration accompany you on this way, may your hearts be always lighted up, may your pupils keep giving you their gratitude and love.

Astrakhan State University has trained thousands of top-class specialists in pedagogics throughout the history of its existence. I am really happy to see that pedagogical majors are still popular among prospective students who have opted for this decent, extremely responsible and honoured profession year by year.

A special mission has fallen on the shoulders of teachers and doctors in challenging times of the pandemic. You had to rearrange your work in an urgent order, master new teaching techniques, including distance education technologies. And you made it! Even without meeting with students in person and only seeing their eyes on the PC monitor, you kept giving them necessary knowledge. And their successful state examination and enrollment at the most prestigious universities of Russia confirmed the success of your mission.

I would like to say a special thanks to the most honoured colleagues of mine — veterans of the sphere. Schoolteachers, university professors, teachers of pre-school and additional education — hundreds of pupils remember you with warmth and gratitude, owing their success in adult life to you to a great extent. At least, I can say it about my life.

Dear teachers! Let me wholeheartedly wish you peace and goodness, good health, loving and caring families and friends. You’ll receive plenty of flowers and greetings these days. May these positive emotions stay with you, give you energy and inspiration for your daily teaching work.

Happy Teachers’ Day!

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov