Project of ASU Scientist Is Exhibited at Startup Expo Online Exhibition

Project of ASU Scientist Is Exhibited at Startup Expo Online Exhibition

Project “Offshore Multi-Purpose Unmanned Platform” of Head of the Engineering Project Office of Astrakhan State University Aleksey Titov is published on the website of the 2020 Moscow International Forum of Innovative Development in section “Exhibitors”.

Forum “Open Innovations” is a key international platform to discuss global technological trends, exchange best practices and present cutting-edge solutions. The main principle of exhibition space arrangement is the maximum concentration of technological solutions, efficient communication between the participants and interactive exhibits.

Startup Expo, an exhibition that is taking place within the programme of the forum, is aimed at showing the key tendencies and main Russian achievements in innovative spheres of economy.

The logic of the ASU scientist’s project is to create a universal carrier robot, capable of autonomous navigation and solution of tasks of the ocean resources development. The offshore robot is meant for industrial and environmental monitoring, a search for bioresources, geophysical surveys in transition zones, automated depth sounding and assessment of bottom deepening operations.

Aleksey Titov notes that the project is being implemented within the University Mirror Engineering Center of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and Astrakhan State University. It was approved at an extended meeting of the working group on development of the MariNet roadmap of the National Technology Initiative and by the scientific and coordination council of state programme “Development of Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering for 2013-2030”.

Learn more about the exhibition stand of the ASU scientist.

Engineering Project Office