Start of “Erasmus Days on Volga” at Astrakhan State University

Start of “Erasmus Days on Volga” at Astrakhan State University

The conference is timed to the International Erasmus Days, celebrated every year on October 15-17 all over the world. The event involved ASU professors and students who have experience in implementation of this large-scale European programme of academic mobility. Members of some of our partner universities also joined the online event.

The audience was welcomed by Director of the National Erasmus+ Office in Russia Olga Oleynikova. She reminded of the history of the programme foundation and the main achievements in 2020. As the expert says, Russia is one of the leaders in the programme implementation.

Astrakhan State University is an active participant of the programme too. Each year, students of our university study in European countries and undertake traineeships, while our professors deliver lectures to foreign students. In their turn, foreign professors and students come to study at ASU within exchange programmes. The university has won four grants in this programme since 2016. Each of them was aimed at creating a new teaching module related to EU studies.

The ASU experience of implementing Erasmus+ projects, in particular Jean Monnet Modules, was covered in speeches by Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics Aleksey Rybakov, Head of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation Uliana Savelieva, Professor of the

University of Derby Carlton McDonald, coordinator of MAGnUS project, Professor of Linköping University (Sweden) Janerik Lundquist, Associate Professor of the Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science of Southern Federal University Yana Demyanenko and Professor of St. Petersburg University Nikolay Grishin. Other scientists and students also presented their reports on participation in the international project.

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