ASU Students Discuss Innovative Technologies with Andrey Bakhmetiev

ASU Students Discuss Innovative Technologies with Andrey Bakhmetiev

Astrakhan State University has held a research and practice seminar “What are innovations and how are they connected with teaching profession?” The famous Russian inventor and TV host came to Astrakhan to participate in the regional seminar-meeting “Children of the Whole Russia”, organized by our university.

The meeting took place in the Center of Pedagogical Staff’s Continuing Education “Teacher of the Future”. Future teachers that attended the conference listened to the speaker with vivid interest, asked plenty of questions, in particular about implementation of his new developments.

One of the most important and interesting moments of the meeting was Konstantin Markelov’s announcement of creation of “Smart House” — a joint project of ASU and the inventor. The programme, which will be implemented at Astrakhan State University, is aimed at generating interest to innovative technologies, training and developing both the younger and older generations.

Besides, Andrey Bakhmetiev told the audience about his project “Educational Cartoons” which makes the study process more entertaining.

Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Tourism