ASU Shares Experience with All Universities of Russia

ASU Shares Experience with All Universities of Russia

On November 19-21, representatives of Astrakhan State University are taking part in the 2nd all-Russia seminar-meeting on morale building activities with students of higher educational institutions.

The online event is organized by the State Youth Policy Department of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia. The list of participants includes RF Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov, Deputy Minister Elena Druzhinina, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief scientist of the Laboratory of Strategy and Theory of Personal Education of the RAS Institute of Education Development Strategy Natalia Selivanova, etc.

The seminar programme included all-Russia monitoring competition “Practices of Organizing Morale Building Activities with Students of Higher Educational Institutions”.

ASU project “Family Ethnic Academy”, developed by activists of the United Council of Students and of the Astrakhan Branch Office of the Association of International Students at ASU, supported by the ASU Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development, won in category “Moral and Family Education. Responsible Parenthood”.

At the seminar-meeting, the winners will present their best practices of organizing morale building activities with HEI students in topic-specific categories.

Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development