ASU Management Attended More Than Ten Discussion Panels at VUZPROMEXPO

ASU Management Attended More Than Ten Discussion Panels at VUZPROMEXPO

Astrakhan State University keeps participating in the national exhibition of scientific achievements which unites more than 100 educational institutions and industrial enterprises — the second day of the event is under way.

Participating in panel discussions, strategic sessions and intensive workshops, the delegation of ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, First Vice Rector — Vice Rector for Strategic Development Elina Polyanskaya, Vice Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova and Vice Rector for Innovations and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov are learning about the latest trends in the public policy in science and higher education, prospects of national project “Science and Universities”, results of the implementation of some federal projects and latest developments in the leading sectors of the country’s economy. Speakers of the discussion panels dwell on the role of academic ties in the development of HEIs and regions of the country.

Discussing the experience of Russian higher educational institutions, gained in times of the COVID pandemic, is one of the major topics of the business programme events.

Astrakhan State University has also presented its stand with projects in physics, industry, robotic engineering and artificial intelligence at VUZPROMEXPO exhibition.

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