ASU Students Speak about History of Russia’s Electrification

ASU Students Speak about History of Russia’s Electrification

Every year, Russia celebrates the Day of Power Engineers on December, 22. Interestingly enough, the professional holiday of specialists that deal with design and installation of electrical networks and control their functioning and maintenance falls on the shortest daylight of the year.

Developing energy-saving technologies and improving the energy efficiency of Astrakhan region is one of the areas of activities of the regional Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities.

Students of the ASU Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering prepared an informative presentation about the plan of the State Commission for Electrification of Russia, containing information of the history of Russia’s electrification, within their participation in all-Russia energy-saving festival #BrighterTogether.

The work was carried out within the agreement on cooperation between regional Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities and Astrakhan State University and is aimed at promotion of vocational majors.

Source: Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of Astrakhan region