Konstantin Markelov Speaks about Geopolitics of Strategically Important Caspian Region

Konstantin Markelov Speaks about Geopolitics of Strategically Important Caspian Region

The 4th meeting of the Russian Society of Political Scientists, involving more than 400 leading Russian and foreign scientists and experts, is being held online on December, 22-23. Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov also participated in the event, presenting his report “Greater Caspian Region in the Centre of Global Policy”.

Today, eight sections and three round table discussions with participation of the leading Russian and foreign political scientists, experts, public, political and social figures, have been held within the meeting agenda.

Rector of Astrakhan State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences and Professor of the Department of Political Science & International Relations Konstantin Markelov took part in section “Geopolitical Conditions and Factors of Ensuring Stability of Political Systems”.

As Konstantin Markelov noted, the Caspian region is mentioned in certain geographical and geopolitical definitions as “Greater Caspian Region” that appeared after the Soviet Union collapse. Five countries that have a direct outlet to the sea — Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan — started forming part of this region. In a broader interpretation of the notion, the region also includes the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia.

According to the rector, the Greater Caspian Region plays a specific role in Eurasia. Intensifying conjunction of external political and economic interests of the leading Eurasian economies (China and India) comes with institutional convergence in the process of forming regional and global transport and logistics systems.

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