Employees and Students’ Conference Being Held at Astrakhan State University

Employees and Students’ Conference Being Held at Astrakhan State University

Delegates approved changes in the Collective Agreement and Compensation & Benefits Policy Provisions, being its integral part, a new composition of the Academic Council and a provision on incentive payments to the university’s teaching staff.

The list of changes to the Compensation & Benefits Policy Provisions includes, among other points, an increase in the salaries of the scientific and teaching staff and adjustment in the list of incentive and compensatory payments. Amends were also made in the list of occasions that lead to receiving financial help.

Introduction of these changes in the Collective Agreement and Labour Regulations (being its integral part) of the university’s staff are connected, above all, with shifting of some of the employees to electronic employment record books. Besides, now they must inform the HR Department about changes in surnames, addresses, contact numbers and other data not within two weeks as it was before but within three days.

According to ASU Vice Rector for Academic Activities Aleksandr Treshchev, the new Provision on Incentive Payments to the University’s Teaching Staff, presented by him at the meeting, is based on a ranking score system: efficiency of their work will be assessed by 31 indicators with respective scoring. Data collection and scoring are already being held so that the employees are paid their salaries in January according to the new Provisions.

Directorate of Information Policy