ASU Turns into Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the Night

ASU Turns into Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the Night

This time, the traditional New Year’s student masquerade ball has been imbued with the magic atmosphere of Hogwarts. Having transformed into all kinds of fairy-tale characters and historical figures, the guests took a transfiguration exam.

The bright event was hosted by Master of Sociological Mysteries Petr Opanyuk.

Members of all the faculties gathered around an enormous Christmas tree. The chief wizard of the university — ASU rector — addressed his New Year and Christmas greetings to the guests.

The rector stressed that these are actually students who run the university, that is why a lot of educational and extracurricular activities are carried out for their self-fulfillment.

The faculty deans who attended the celebration also sent their greetings on the occasion to the students.

Nobody was left emotionless by the participants’ look: the dance floor was bright with all colours and forms. Father Frost and Snow Maiden held contests for the students, while performers of the Cultural Centre presented rousing dancing and singing items.

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