Astrakhan State University Will Develop Step-by-Step Instruction for Patenting

Astrakhan State University Will Develop Step-by-Step Instruction for Patenting

The new space of the Boiling Point Centre has hosted round table “Development of Infographic Algorithm to Register Intellectual Property at ASU”, involving the ASU administrative staff and scientists who submitted patent applications in 2019 and 2020.

Head of the Unit of Research & Technical Information Anna Pavlenko told the audience how the university helps researchers and developers obtain a patent, where they can find the application form, what documents they need to prepare for it and how much time the patenting will take.

Besides, the speaker explained what types of intellectual property the university registers. These are computer programs, databases, utility models, inventions and so on.

Anna Pavlenko noted that it is easier and quicker to draw up the documents via the ASU Unit of Research & Technical Information than to register intellectual property on one’s own. Another advantage of contacting the university’s patent specialists is the fact that one of their duties is to protect the intellectual property rights and legal interests of the university and the patent-holding employees.

Upon results of the round table, the participants drafted an infographic project, describing the procedure of registering intellectual property at Astrakhan State University.

Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations