ASU Staff Member Enters Top-5 Participants of Sberbank Winter Digital School

ASU Staff Member Enters Top-5 Participants of Sberbank Winter Digital School

Results of the online educational workshop were summed up on February, 3. Astrakhan State University was represented by Head of the Artificial Intelligence Project Office Aleksandr Koshkarov. His final project was recognized one of the best upon results of the expert selection.

The winter digital school is organized by Sberbank Corporate University. After a series of webinars on innovative methods of teaching, the participants prepared their own projects on application of modern educational technologies in working with university students.

Aleksandr Koshkarov shared his experience of using SCRUM methods at the lessons and within extracurricular activities of the ASU Artificial Intelligence Club. The topic was welcomed by the workshop participants — professors of the Russian universities and experts. The ASU staff member’s project entered top-5 best projects and was presented at the final event, including to SberUniversity Vice Rector Igor Baranov.

Artificial Intelligence Project Office