Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings to ASU on Russian Science Day

Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings to ASU on Russian Science Day

Dear scientists of Astrakhan State University! Please accept my sincere greetings on one of the most important professional holidays of the university community.

Today we honour our scientists — those who transfer their experience to new generations, who engage in research without reservation and help humankind pierce the mysteries of the university and advance.

Russian science is rightly proud of its glorious history, outstanding figures and great discoveries. The State is interested in augmenting the country’s scientific and technological potential, and promoting fundamental and applied research is one of the national priorities. The year of 2021, being commemorated as the Year of Science and Technology, is another evidence of it. I am sure that it will offer new prospects and greater opportunities.

Astrakhan State University keeps pace with the national agenda. In 2020, we strengthened interuniversity cooperation in the Caspian region, took part in the federal project within the House of Scientific Collaboration named after V.K. Trediakovsky, a centre for development of modern competencies in children, supported projects “Engineering Education” and “Start Up as Graduation Project”. ASU entered top-10 universities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia with the best indices of the financial management quality. We opened a laboratory on developing mobile applications and computer games within MAGnUS Master’s degree programme.

In late January 2021, ASU opened a new spacious location for the Boiling Point Centre for project co-working, organization of major lectures and workshops and communication with the business community. This year, we’ll keep our international activities and hold the second scientific forum “Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories”, a meeting of the Commission for Science, Research & Technology within the Association of State Universities of Caspian Sea Region Countries, the Caspian Youth Start Up Festival, and seminar “AI Potential in University’s Activities”.

Dear colleagues, I thank you for your significant contribution to the improvement of science industry. Our common goal is to find and support talents, since our university has plenty of them. May this holiday inspire you for new scientific ideas and discoveries and invigorate for making adventurous hypotheses. May your work always bring you joy, may it be of use for society.

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov