ASU Participates in Virtual Meeting on Erasmus+ Project Implementation

ASU Participates in Virtual Meeting on Erasmus+ Project Implementation

On February 8, members of the partner universities kicked start to implementation of PICASP, an Erasmus+ project. The first kick-off meeting, held online, involved participants from Azerbaijan, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland and Russia.

The ASU grant application for participation in the Erasmus+ project was approved in August 2020. PICASP implies creation of courses in production-and-training centres in order to favour cooperation between universities and enterprises for the development of the Caspian region. The project participants will develop short-term courses in different areas of specialization.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Tourism Galina Palatkina, Deputy Head of Department “UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Galimbek Turishev and Deputy Head of the Centre of Pedagogical Staff’s Continuing Education “Teacher of the Future” Olga Sergeeva represented ASU at the meeting.

Another Russian participant of the project is Volgograd State Technical University. Kazakhstan is represented by the University of International Business (Almaty) and the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov (Aktau); the participants from Azerbaijan are Khazar University (Baku), Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University (Baku) and MIRAS Association.

The project is coordinated by the D'Annunzio University of Chieti—Pescara (Italy). The EU participants are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania), the University of Warsaw (Poland) and SERINAR company (Italy).

At the kick-off meeting, the coordinators told the colleagues about practical aspects of the project implementation, and the participants themselves presented their universities and experience of cooperation within Erasmus+ programme. Upon results of the meeting, the participants outlined further steps and mechanisms of interaction.

Department UNESCO Chair The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development