ASU Representative Participates as Expert in Large Educational Project

ASU Representative Participates as Expert in Large Educational Project

Head of Department “UNESCO Chair of Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” of Astrakhan State University Irina Tarasova joined the team of professors and experts of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation that engage in the implementation of federal targeted programme “Socioeconomic Development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2024”.

The large educational project includes studies in several modules. In particular, module “Training Managerial HR of the Republic of Crimea” implies preparation of projects and programmes for urban and municipal development.

What corporate culture as a basis of HR marketing is, how to manage individual talents in teamwork, why soft skills are at the lead together with hard skills and why a manager needs to master communication psychology skills — all these issues formed a basis for the participants’ teamwork learning activities. Divided into groups, they practiced communication, business negotiations, skills of communicating with «hard» types of audiences and implementation of tools for managing human behaviour.

The next stage is online studies on topic “Preparation for Public Presentation of Project: How to Make a Speech Correctly” which will involve more than 500 participants.