ASU Opens Days of Japanese Culture

ASU Opens Days of Japanese Culture

Astrakhan has been hosting the large event, aimed at development of the relations between the two countries, for the ninth year running. By tradition, a series of activities was organized by the Embassy of Japan in Russia, Astrakhan State University and the regional branch office of the Russia — Japan Society.

Days of Japanese Culture involved students and professors of the ASU Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Social Communications and Historical Faculty. Representatives of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics and Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Kazakhstan, joined the event online.

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov welcomed the audience before the beginning of the 2-day series of lectures about the Land of the Rising Sun. He wished all the programme participants fruitful communication and noted that these two days would bring another opportunity to become closer to each other.

The list of speakers included Minister Toshio Yamamoto, who heads the Information Unit of the Embassy of Japan in Russia, as well as other leading experts in Japanese studies.

Attending the lectures, planned for the second day of the event, the participants will learn about the role of words in the Japanese culture and about the modern Japanese lexicon through the lens of the 19th-century vocabularies.

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