Astrakhan State University Sums Up Research Results of 2020

Astrakhan State University Sums Up Research Results of 2020

ASU Vice Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova presented a report on the research results, promising points of growth and main vectors of development at the meeting of the Academic Council.

As the speaker said, the peculiarities of 2020 that influenced the achievement of the planned indicators for research activities are the university’s preparation for its accreditation, no state assignment for science and the COVID-19 pandemic that made the university carry out part of research activities online.

Then the vice rector for research analyzed the structure of the university’s costs for research activities and the earnings from it, evaluated the units’ contribution to research fundraising, including through participation in grant applications.

Then the vice rector analyzed the current state of the ASU research activities and identified some bottlenecks and vulnerabilities.

Speaking about the points of growth and vectors of development of the research activities in 2021, the vice rector mentioned participation in external and in-house scientific collaborations, consortia, Commission for Science, Research and Technology under the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries, and the linkage of research topics to solution of the regional priority issues.

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