Outstanding Members of ASU Receive Their Awards

Outstanding Members of ASU Receive Their Awards

The most successful representatives of ASU in social and professional activities received certificates of merit, letters of gratitude and diplomas at the meeting of the Academic Council on February, 25.

For example, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Cognitive Psychology Olga Romanova was awarded a certificate of merit from the Ministry of Education and Science of Astrakhan region for many-year dedicated work and high professionalism.

A letter of gratitude from the Astrakhan Regional Duma for long-year dedicated work in education and high professionalism was handed to Head of the Department of Soil Science, Land Management & Cadasters Lyudmila Yakovleva.

The Moscow City-Planning Policy Department awarded Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture & Design Irina Leonova, Head of the Department of Architecture Igor Sokolov and Associate Professor of the department Valery Sidorov for preparing prizewinners of the 5th All-Russia Festival. Besides, a few students of the Faculty of Architecture & Design were awarded third-degree certificates of the festival prizewinners.

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov handed medal “For Selfless Contribution to Organization of All-Russia Mutual Aid Campaign We Are Together” to student of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism Rasul Dauletov.

Director of the Training Center of Restaurant Service & Hospitality Vladimir Palatkin was awarded a third-place certificate in category “Video” of the 14th international youth gastronomical festival “Reviving Traditions. Christmas”, organized by the National Policy & International Relations Department of Moscow. He was also encouraged for preparing his students for the competition within the festival.

Finally, the ASU Media team was awarded a 2nd-degree certificate of the competition for the best media centre among Russian universities. Besides, Acting Head of the Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations Andrey Shevelev was distinguished as the best chief of Russian university media centres.

Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations