Astrakhan State University Approves a Long-Term Action Plan of UNESCO Chair

Astrakhan State University Approves a Long-Term Action Plan of UNESCO Chair

Head of the Department “The UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Irina Tarasova presented a programme of measures to implement the strategy of the unit’s activities for 2021–2025 to the members of the Academic Council.

The main goal of the activities of the ASU new structural unit is to promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation on the issues of learning society and human sustainable development, facilitating cooperation between well-known, nationally and internationally recognized researchers and teaching staff of the university and other institutions of Russia, the Caspian region, Southeast Asia and Central Asia.

Within the framework of the UNITWIN / UNESCO international programme, the Chair has planned activities aimed at strengthening network partnerships, developing scientific research and educational projects, and implementing sustainable development goals.

One of the activities of the department’s development programme is dialogue platform Open Thinking. Intercultural Dialogue”, which will be held on April, 9 at the ASU Boiling Point Centre.

Department “The UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development”

Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations