Rectors of Astrakhan Universities Unite in Consortium

Rectors of Astrakhan Universities Unite in Consortium

A document on joining the association has been signed today by the heads of eight higher educational institutions and scientific organizations of Astrakhan region. The ceremony took place at the regional Ministry of Education and Science.

The list of members of the Consortium of Educational Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Organizations of Astrakhan Region includes:

  • Astrakhan State University;
  • Astrakhan State Medical University
  • Astrakhan State Technical University;
  • Astrakhan State Conservatory;
  • Astrakhan State University of Architecture & Civil Engineering;
  • Astrakhan Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Institute of Education Development.

The consortium's activities will aim at conducting general research, increasing the competitiveness of higher schools in the region and jointly solving the tasks of the socioeconomic and innovative development of Astrakhan region.

Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov was unanimously elected president of the newly created association.

According to Konstantin Markelov, the consortium is intended to become a structure that ensures the scientific and technological development of the region. He marked out several areas of the consortium’s work that are of priority for Astrakhan region and Southern Russia in general.

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