ASU Students Present Musical “Choosing You”

ASU Students Present Musical “Choosing You”

The celebration events were held yesterday at the Cultural Centre of Astrakhan State University. At the height of Maslenitsa week, all guests were greeted with pancakes and songs.

Then everyone gathered in the concert hall. Rector Konstantin Markelov took the stage to congratulate the professors and students.

“Dear friends! Today we have a traditional night, but we combine not only the celebration in honour of brave men and beautiful women, but also one more occasion — Maslenitsa. We could taste pancakes and treat everyone present with them. I sincerely congratulate you on these holidays,” said the rector of ASU.

A welcoming speech was also delivered by Deputy of the Russian State Duma Leonid Ogul, who attended the concert, too.

Musical Choosing You was the capstone of the night. Actors — students of ASU — performed a play about love. The story with an unexpected ending fascinated the audience. With no time for a break, the artists performed catching songs and dances.

The characters of the musical concluded that a happy ending happens not only in books and in films, but also in life. The main thing to do is believe in love.

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