ASU Representatives Take Part in the 211st Session of the UNESCO Executive Board Online

ASU Representatives Take Part in the 211st Session of the UNESCO Executive Board Online

Members of the Department “UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” attended the plenary session which took place in Paris. The event focused on the discussion of the draft Medium-Term Strategy of the organization for 2022–2029 and the budget for 2022–2025.

The meeting participants considered more than 30 points of the agenda, related to the implementation of decisions and resolutions adopted by the Executive Board and the General Conference at previous sessions, as well as financial, administrative and personnel issues.

Presentations were also made on the progress of the UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative, on the progress in addressing the impact of climate change on cultural and natural heritage, on the implementation of the Action Plan for Small Island Developing States, the UN Action Plan on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, and others.

The UNESCO Executive Board discussed draft decisions initiated by the member states of the organization, including the proclamation of international days of biosphere reserves and geodiversity, co-sponsored by Russia.

Department UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development