Scientific Developments of ASU Will Help Solve Problems of a Regional Enterprise

Scientific Developments of ASU Will Help Solve Problems of a Regional Enterprise

Head of the Center of Technologies Transfer of Astrakhan State University Ayvar Abeldaev has talked to representatives of the Astrakhan Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant, a branch of Zheldorremmash JSC.

The meeting was attended by Head of the Design & Technological Department Ilya Laptev, HR Director Andrey Biryukov and PR specialist Natalya Belyaeva.

During the conversation, the parties outlined the areas of technological requests of the enterprise, including:

  • intelligent bench systems;
  • welding and welding equipment;
  • testing and assembly of diesel engines;
  • testing and assembly of electric motors;
  • defectoscopy of diesel locomotive elements;
  • macro- and microelectronics;
  • investigation of the microstructure of metals and lubricants.

As a result, the meeting participants reached an agreement to hold an extended meeting of ASU scientists and engineers of the enterprise.

Center of Technologies Transfer