ASU Staff Members Receive Well-Deserved Awards at Academic Council’s Meeting

ASU Staff Members Receive Well-Deserved Awards at Academic Council’s Meeting

Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov has awarded professors and students with honourable distinctions and letters of gratitude.

For example, professors Natalia Zolotareva (Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry), Oksana Romanova (Department of Information Security and Digital Technologies), Denis Yakovlev (Department of Criminal Law), Irina Zhelnova (Department of Russian as a Foreign Language), Marina Fastova (Department of Civil Law) received Associate Professor certificates.

An ASU certificate of laureate of the Council for the Quality of Education in category “Commission for the Quality of Education of the Year” of the Russian national award “Student of the Year — 2020” for educational institutions of higher education was awarded to Chair of the Student Council for the Quality of Education Christina Gunbina.

Astrakhan State University was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Employment Center of the Ikryaninsky District for participation in career guidance event “Fair of Study Places” and active work with young people.

The university was also awarded a certificate of winner of the 15th international anniversary youth gastronomic festival “Reviving Traditions. Easter Victory” of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of Moscow.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations