ASU Professors Speak at Roundtable on Training Specialists with Knowledge of Japanese

ASU Professors Speak at Roundtable on Training Specialists with Knowledge of Japanese

The platform brought together about 100 experts — professors from 12 Japanese and 17 Russian universities, as well as representatives of private T & I companies and professional associations.

Roundtable “Japanese-Russian Collaboration on Training Interpreters / Translators and Language Teaching” was organized by St. Petersburg State University in cooperation with the Training Platform for Japanese-Russian Economic Cooperation and Humanitarian Exchanges (HaRP) of Hokkaido University and the Association of Russian and Japanese Universities.

The aim of the event was to exchange experience and discuss topical issues in the field of T & I training. Emphasis was placed on cooperation between Japanese and Russian universities, as well as public organizations and private T & I companies.

Alina Savinova, Associate Professor of the ASU Department of Asian Languages ​​and Director of the Center for Russian-Asian Cooperation, and Alina Fedorovich, professor of the Department of Asian Languages, addressed the roundtable audience with report “Features of Intensive Japanese Language Teaching for IT Professionals”. They talked about the successful cooperation of Astrakhan State University with a large Japanese recruiting company. The professors also described the unique experience of developing an educational programme in Japanese for IT students and the first results of the project.

Center for Russian-Asian Cooperation