ASU Shares Experience of Partnership with a Kazakhstan University

ASU Shares Experience of Partnership with a Kazakhstan University

Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Irina Bocharnikova has taken part in the 6th republican scientific and practical webinar with international participation “Promising Cross-Border Cooperation in Activities of Departments of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan: Trends of Ethnic Integration”, timed to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was organized by the Association of the Departments of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan “Shanyrak” and the Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov.

The webinar participants discussed ethno-integration trends of interregional and international interaction, promising innovative approaches and tools for the development of cross-border cooperation, as well as a wide range of issues on the implementation of cross-border cooperation in the field of education and science, the internationalization of higher educational institutions through the development of international relations.

In order to exchange information, scientific knowledge and practical experience in the implementation of innovative approaches to cross-border cooperation, Irina Bocharnikova spoke about the partnership between the Center for Sociological Research of Astrakhan State University and the Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov in studying regional social problems.

Faculty of Social Communications