UNESCO Chairs Are Rethinking the Role of Education and Social Learning Environment

UNESCO Chairs Are Rethinking the Role of Education and Social Learning Environment

Today, the topic of sustainable development is one of the most relevant in the work of educational institutions. That is why international conference “Sustainable Development. World Challenges” has been held at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University on the sidelines of the all-Russia scientific and applied conference “«Sustainable Development, Open Thinking and Digital Transformations”.

The event was held under the aegis of the RF Commission for UNESCO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and brought together over a hundred representatives of the academic and expert community from different regions of Russia and foreign countries. The meeting was attended by representatives of most of the UNESCO Chairs of our country.

Various aspects of international academic cooperation in addressing the global challenges of our time were considered within the conference sections, including:

  • Quality of Life. New National Idea;
  • Digital Transformation. Urgent Tasks. Cultural Heritage Digitalization;
  • Modern Technological Platforms with participation of chiefs of Northern Capital enterprises;
  • International Cooperation for Sustainable Development.

Astrakhan State University was represented by Head of the Department UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development Irina Tarasova and specialists of the department.

Department UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development