ASU Signs Cooperation Agreement with Yandex

ASU Signs Cooperation Agreement with Yandex

Astrakhan State University Rector Konstantin Markelov and Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov met with representatives of Yandex, a multibusiness tech company, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, held this summer, and preliminarily agreed on using its educational and computing resources in the university's activities.

This was followed by additional online meetings with representatives of Yandex, which resulted in signing a cooperation agreement. Within its framework, ASU is provided with a grant for using Yandex.Cloud computing resources. The university can use these opportunities to conduct scientific calculations in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Starting from September, the largest search service will provide Astrakhan State University with a number of licenses for students. They are necessary for conducting training sessions, laboratory work in subjects “Big Data Analytics”, “Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning Technologies” using Yandex.Cloud and Yandex computational resources.

Within the framework of the agreement, ASU professors are also able to do courses on the Coursera platform on machine learning, programming in C ++ and others. 12 professors of the university have already started their training. In the future, they will be able to use the gained knowledge in educational activities and their scientific projects.

Another agreement reached concerns the possibilities of using courses of the Yandex.Praktikum service with the subsequent provision of discounts for ASU professors.

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