Astrakhan State University Signs Cooperation Agreement with UNARMIA

Astrakhan State University Signs Cooperation Agreement with UNARMIA

The university welcomed representatives of the all-Russia military and patriotic social movement for children and youth — Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Project Activities Anton Kuznetsov and Chief of the Regional Office Headquarters Pavel Mamontov.

At the meeting, the parties signed a cooperation agreement. According to ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, the main areas of interaction will be development of the system of military and patriotic education of children and adolescents, cultivation of respect for the military and patriotic traditions of Russia among the younger generation, popularization of physical culture and sports and a healthy lifestyle among young people.

According to the new partnership agreement, Astrakhan State University and UNARMIA will jointly organize events and interact when UNARMIA members enroll in a university for higher education programmes: in the future, such children may have the right to additional points when submitting documents.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations